Batwoman – S1 Ep18 – If You Believe in Me, I’ll Believe in You Review

Writers: James Stoteraux & Chad Fiveash

Director: James Bamford

Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Dougray Scott, Christina Wolfe, Sam Littlefield, Gabriel Mann, Rachel Matthews, Alex Zahara, Carmine Giovanazzo and Brianne Howey

“If You Believe in Me, I’ll Believe in You” is the single most comic-booky episode of Batwoman to date. I mean this as an honest and sincere compliment. From the open kick-ass fight scene – a lot more BvS and not at all Batman ’66 – the episode delivers action… in spades. Think of it as a heist movie meets James Bond, but with the bonus of multiple pay-offs from previous episodes. Oh, and if you’re one of the few who hasn’t seen the pics online already, Tommy Elliot’s transformation into a fully formed Hush takes a step closer to coming to full fruition too.

Guess Who’s Back?

I love it when a TV show proves that it’s been properly planned and mapped out, and that characters can come back and surprise us. It’s an obvious, frequent – and annoying – trope for some series to bring in an amazing, well-known character to draw in audiences, only to kill them off. I’m so pleased that Batwoman has bucked the trend. We’ve already seen Tommy Elliot’s return (and in this episode his metamorphosis into Hush begins in earnest), but “If You Believe in Me, I’ll Believe in You” also features the return of both another vintage baddie, and the delightful Brianne Howey as Reagan.

We last saw her way back in “Who Are You?” (Batwoman episode 4) and she’s back with a bang. With Julia getting closer to Sophie, it makes sense for Kate to be able to move on too. Of course, this is a show based on comics, so – as always – everything isn’t as it seems with some characters. Am I talking about Julia, Sophie or Reagan? That, dear reader, is for you to discover.

Quite Contrary

Nicole Kang, I salute you… Mary Hamilton-Kane, you ROCK! This episode delivered some truly outstanding character moments from every single cast member, Nicole in particular. Not only is Mary her adorable, tenacious self this week, she’s also a kick-ass hero and drop-dead gorgeous. I don’t want to give anything away, but “If You Believe In Me, I’ll Believe in You” contains a few punch the air in delight moments for Batwoman’s step-sister, and this particular Batfan could not be happier.


This episode had everything; character progression, laughs, pay-offs to dangling plot-threads, intrigue, and a ton of action. There are only 2 episodes left this season and I have a feeling that things are only going to get hotter in good ol’ Gotham City.

Batwoman – S1 Ep17 – A Narrow Escape Review

Writer: Daphne Miles

Director: Paul Wesley

Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Dougray Scott, Christina Wolfe, Sam Littlefield, Gabriel Mann, Rachel Matthews, Alex Zahara and Rachel Maddow

Holy Corona Virus, Bat-fans! After weeks of patience, Batwoman is finally back, and I’m very pleased to report that “A Narrow Escape” was well worth the wait.

The way the story builds over the course of the episode is quite impressive. We get a well structured recap of the game changing events of the last few chapters; including Alice’s capture, and the death of Augustus Cartwright at Kate’s hands. It’s good to see that taking Cartwright’s life has shaken Batwoman to her very core. As I mentioned in my review of the previous episode, Augustus’ death has taken it’s toll on her emotional and mental health, in the form of an extreme case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.).

Batwoman… No More?

After taking down a thief Kate has another extreme anxiety attack, believing she’s killed him too. This leads her to quit fighting crime as Batwoman. The scene is beautifully shot, with the hero using her grapple gun to fly up a narrow stairwell to confront the crook. It’s a visually impressive set-piece, which uses some very Frank Miller-esque angles. Who doesn’t love seeing a ring of never ending stairs, winding up, up, up?

Another beautiful scene is the one shared between Alice and Kate, renewing their sisterly bond by playing video games… but all is not as it seems. What I have to say though, is that Ruby Rose’s acting has improved immeasurably since this show started. For many weeks she and Meagan Tandy have been – in my opinion – the weak links in the acting chain. This week Ruby really impressed me. I’ve loved Kate Kane for many years, and now I’m really starting to love Ruby Rose as Kate Kane.

What The Fox?!?

Over the past few months we’ve learned that Batman – and Bruce Wayne – have vanished, and that Lucius Fox had been shot and killed. The man arrested and incarcerated for the crime was proved innocent, before being murdered himself. As you can imagine, all of this has had a real impact on Lucius’ son, Luke. Camrus Johnson has always been a favorite and he really shines this week too. I’m hopeful that we will see him grow and become the hero Batwing, even if its not ’til season two. Seeing him help solve his father’s murder was great.

Anyone who reads my reviews know that I adore Nicole Kang as Mary Hamilton-Kane; she’s smart, sassy, and hilarious. Recently she deduced that her step-sister Kate and Batwoman were one and the same, and this isn’t the only secret that’s uncovered in this episode.

Why did Batman leave Gotham City? After the resurgence of Tommy Elliot (who makes another welcome appearance in this episode), and the Detonator, where has Joker been all these years? This week we finally find out, and the answers may shock you. It seems that Kate has a lot more in common with her cousin Bruce than just looking awesome and kicking ass in a Bat-suit.


“A Narrow Escape” delivered everything I’d want or expect from a piece of comic-book based TV: Character development, action, psychology, scares, thrills, laughs and progression of the ongoing plot. Oh… and those secrets. Solving Lucius Fox’s murder case leads to new career paths being taken by both Sophie and the wonderful Julia Pennyworth (played by Christina Wolfe). I sense that things are going to get complicated between those two and Kate… and I can’t wait to see the fireworks.

Mouse and Alice have been busy in Arkham too. Be afraid, be very afraid. Hearing the name “Safiya” said out loud this week sent shivers down my spine.

This was another very strong episode.

Batwoman – S1 Ep16 – Through The Looking Glass Review

Writer: Nancy Kiu

Director: Sudz Sutherland

Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Dougray Scott, Christina Wolfe, Seth Whittaker and Sam Littlefield

After the deeply harrowing “Off With Her Head“, Batwoman episode 16, “Through The Looking Glass”, provides a welcome, and action packed, change of pace.

Suffering from PTSD after the death of Augustus Cartwright, Kate Kane is forced to work with Alice to try and rescue Mouse. What follows is thrill packed break into Arkham Asylum, full of martial arts mayhem and comic-book action.

We’re All Mad Here

I like the fact that the huge events of last week’s episode haven’t just been brushed under the carpet. Batwoman has taken a life, crossing a line she swore she never would. The fact the Cartwright probably deserved his fate, after his abduction of Alice and the mutilation of Gabrielle Kane, is up for debate. Alice revels in the fact that she now sees Kate as her equal, but Kate is more disturbed at her own lack of remorse.

This is great. I have no idea what it feels like to take a life, but the depiction of Kate’s mental turmoil is cleverly and brilliantly handled. Jacob Kane’s presence and support for his daughter, along with the reappearance of Christina Wolfe’s awesome Julia Pennyworth, are probably the only things stopping our hero from going over the edge.

Conspiracies And Cover Ups

Another welcome plot thread this week features the resurgence of Reggie Harris, as played by Seth Whittaker. Reggie saved Colonel Kane’s life in prison, where Harris had been locked up for the murder of Luke Fox’s father, Lucius. Over recent weeks it’s been looking more and more like Harris was framed, and events in this week’s episode shed a whole new light on the case.

Once again I have to commend series regulars Camrus Johnson and Nicole Kang. Mary Hamilton-Kane is one of the truest, noblest characters in this, or any other CW show. The way she supports her sister, and Lucas, is nothing short of inspirational. Camrus Johnson plays the rage at seeing his father’s “killer” again. along with all the conflicting emotions he feels at discovering that Harris may actually be innocent, brilliantly.

Dark Reflections

The constant flux of emotions between Alice, Jacob and Kate has always been a source of great entertainment. These three characters should be as close as family could be, but Alice’s insanity and her inability to commit to being either an enemy or an ally, keeps throwing spanners in the works. One week we want to trust and forgive her, and the next she throws it all away. In “Through The Looking Glass” the results of the Arkham break-in may finally draw a line under the whole Kane family relationship.

Alice and Kate are twins, they are family, but while Kate struggles to put darkness behind her, Alice seems to want to embrace it. Events at her criminal lair, tied to a note from Coryana, are incredibly intriguing. Does this mean that Safiyah Sohail, Pirate Queen, is set to make an appearance on the show? If that’s the case I am beyond excited.


I’ve always liked this show, but the recent run of epsiodes have made me love it. The story beats are strong, the plot is progressing and there’s real character development every single week. In my humble opinion Batwoman has taken over from Arrow as the crown jewel of the CW’s DC Comics related TV line-up.

Batwoman – S1 Ep15 – Off With Her Head Review

Writer: Natalie Abrams

Director: Holly Dale

Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Dougray Scott, John Emmet Tracy, Debra Mooney, Sam Littlefield, Nicholas Holmes and Michelle Morgan

“Off With Her Head” is the darkest, most horrifying and disturbing episode so far; not just when it comes to Batwoman, but possibly out of any of the DC Comics related CW shows. I don’t know whether the Bat-Pantheon of characters just lend themselves to these kinds of stories, but this series stands apart from every other show in the Arrowverse, in tone, content, violence and horror.

This show feels much more like a companion piece to Gotham, or even the deliciously dark Pennyworth. This, to my mind, is a very good thing indeed.

This week we learn more secrets about Alice/Beth’s past, and meet a character that embodies one of the most vile evils on this Earth: an abusive parent. Mabel Cartwright, Augustus’ mother and Mouse’s grandmother is one of the most detestable creatures I’ve ever seen on TV, even her son is almost meek in comparison.

Pure Evil

This show is making me feel things that I’m not sure I want to when watching “entertainment.” Much like I did after seeing Todd Phillips’ Joker, I find myself disturbed at the notion of sympathising with people like Arthur Fleck or Alice. These people are sick, yes, but they are also killers and so far removed from the morality and sense of justice I believe in, that I should find everything they do or stand for to be reprehensible. Instead, thanks to the circumstances they’ve endured and the evil and abuse they have been physically and emotionally scarred by, I cannot help but empathise with them… and that makes me very uncomfortable indeed.

Characters like Mabel and Augustus Cartwright are pure evil, but seeing the way they treated Beth/Alice has now led me to question whether they also experienced similar traumas. That’s one rabbit hole I really don’t want to go down, because I feel dirty enough about feeling pity and empathy for Alice.

Does that make me a bad person?

Not Just Another Comic-Book Show

Any kind of TV that makes me think, and question my own beliefs and emotions is a successful piece of TV. This isn’t just throw-away fodder, this is the kind of show that stands up with true crime dramas, or documentaries looking at the psychology of serial killers. It just happens to be a Superhero show based on characters I adore.

Every cast member shines this week and Ruby Rose is truly beginning to bloom. Nicole Kang and Camrus Johnson provide a few lighter moments, but there isn’t really anything in “Off With Her Head” that would count as funny, or humorous. John Emmett Tracy is disgusting as Cartwright, but Debra Mooney who plays his mother Mabel, is the worst kind of  monster imaginable. She and Rachel Skarsten, who has managed to surprise me yet again with her range and her talent, deliver the best performances of the episode.

We get an adorable guest appearance by Michelle Morgan at the beginning of the show, playing Kate and Alice’s mother, Gabi. Seeing a real good, kind, loving mother, and then witnessing everything that follows, is a stroke of writing and directorial brilliance.


Batwoman is rapidly becoming the deep and dark show of the Arrowverse, more so that the late, lamented Arrow ever was. “Off With Her Head” was a horror movie in places, and depicted violence and imagery that I’m incredibly surprised was allowed to air on prime time TV.

Sometimes shows and movies interject laughs and jokes to lighten the mood, frequently this falls flat and just destroys the atmosphere. This episode doesn’t do that. It’s claustrophobic, dark and one of the most disturbing pieces of TV the CW has ever broadcast.

I loved it.

What does that say about me?

Batwoman – S1 Ep14 – Grinning From Ear to Ear Review

Writer: Denise Harkavy

Director: Michael Blundell

Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang, Camrus Johnson, Dougray Scott, Alessandra Torresani, Jeryl Prescott, Sam Littlefield, Sebastian Roché, John Emmet Tracyand Rachel Maddow

“Grinning From Ear To Ear” brings us screaming into the present after the surprising ending we witnessed at the end of the previous episode, two long weeks ago. We last saw Batwoman in an embrace with her ex, Sophie, after Mary had pieced all the clues together and realised that her step-sister and the scarlet and black crusader were one and the same.

Deciding whether renewing a relationship, or having her secret identity discovered is more dangerous to Batwoman isn’t as easy as one might think. Historically, being linked romantically to any member of the Bat-Family has always ended up being more of a curse than a blessing, and uncovering a hero’s secret identity – particularly when said hero is a loved one or relative – has never been a walk in the park either. I don’t know if I’m more worried for Mary or Sophie these days!

Mirror, Mirror

The shocks don’t end there… oh, no! The episode starts with Duela Dent through the looking glass, but her reflection and warped sense of self perception is far more twisted than Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s ever was. If this episode is about anything it’s about how we feel about how others see us, and how in many cases that’s nowhere close to how we see ourselves.

Duela is the perfect character to bring to the forefront in this kind of story, as over her 44 year comics history she’s had more character twists and flips than almost anyone else in comics. The self dubbed “Joker’s Daughter” has been a murderer, an anti-hero and even a full-blown member of the Teen Titans! Her lack of cohesive identity is a strong part of this week’s story, and ties in beautifully with Kate and Sophie’s romantic dilemma and with Alice’s childhood terror at coming face to face with her captor and torturer, August Cartwright.


“Grinning From Ear To Ear” had me doing just that, from the opening scene to the closing credits. This episode was deep, intriguing and beautifully written; in terms of psychology, self-image and both the fragility and strength of the human spirit. I have to admit that I haven’t liked the character of Sophie Moore at all in this show, but I guess I’ve never walked a mile in her shoes. The introduction of her mother in this episode, played brilliantly by the wonderful Jeryl Prescott, made me think again.

Batwoman wears a mask, both to protect herself and those she cares about. Sophie Moore has worn a mask too, since her break-up with Kate. Whereas Kate’s mask defends both herself and others. Sophie’s decision to put on a facade to please everyone else ended up hurting Kate, her husband, her mother and – worst of all – herself. Lies seldom go uncovered, the truth will always out, and trying to save other people’s feelings by hiding the truth will hurt them all the more when it’s uncovered. Beyond that, the one person you’re really lying to is yourself.

Sometimes telling the truth will hurt you, or some of those you love. It’s a deep cut, a painful one, but one that will scar over and eventually heal. Lying, pretending and trying to please everyone else is like stabbing yourself each and every day of your life. Those are the kinds of wounds that remain raw and will never truly heal.


I absolutely loved this episode. I now have a deeper understanding of Sophie and Meagan Tandy has delivered her best performance of the season thus far. Ruby Rose continues to grow, week by week, and the old stalwarts, Rachel Skarsten, Camrus Johnson and Nicole Kang never cease to impress.

The writing and direction were also rock solid and even the guest stars were killer. Caprica‘s Alessandra Torresani made a deliciously depraved Duela – more, please – and I’ve been a fan of Jeryl Prescott for years. If you’re wondering where you may have seen this veteran actress recently, she played Madame Xanadu in DC Universe’s outstanding Swamp Thing series. How’s that for versatility?

“Grinning From Ear To Ear” was another terrific chapter of Batwoman, which left me excited and anxious for more.